Look at the tear drenched face, The eyes worn out of their sockets By nights of pacing, fury, bitten nails; Look for the truth in that battered sorrow. Did love exist in those soft and tender words? Did the liar believe the lie? Or was it a trick, a malice etched upon the heart? When he pledged his love to her. Or was it as she now screams? A hidden agenda, born of cruelty and nursed by hope? Stemming from hatred, bathed by love? She cannot know. He is gone. The delusion came, the delusion left But truth slipped invisible into the night.
Human Nationalists Part 1 Upon Departure Will you follow where we are led? Can your heart not be swallowed Hailing heroes of the dead With their lives they saw us fed Feasting in a world where life is allowed Will you follow where we are led? A trek to kneel, to bow, at a sea of red Bubbling up, here reaper Time left hallowed Hailing heroes of the dead. Though you would have fell back and fled I know a path my dreams have followed Will you follow where we are led? As we kneel, raise your breathing head Our greetings unheard by the sorrowed Hailing heroes of the dead In the dreams I kneel alone, yet abed Yet doused in yearning. Cowed, Will you follow where we are led? Hailing heroes of the dead? Part II Upon Return While you stood there what did you see? Humans steeped in beliefs so dear...
The cold here is a kind and sensible cold That you wish will come more often While blistering winds howl down Assailing the face in detached hatred Impersonal, yet intense. Whitened lips defend teeth from the attacks So that the winds do not pain them On those days of mocking frozen sunlight But this cold is kindly cold Gentle to the touch, same as heat When its feathers graze the skin Except, of course That there is squishing beneath your shoes As the white stuff bemoans your trotting Quick, lively trotting to escape air that Pings upon your face While your toes go white and corpselike. A friendly, kissing chill That fades with the embrace of green.