Phantom Poem

She’s made me a phantom 
Fine I’ll be a phantom. 
I’ll linger through the darkened world 
Prowling perpetually in her wake. 
 Starless spaces of the night my ally 
The stone wrought moon my enemy. 
 The moon swore upon all stars 
That we would not end. 
Do not trust the moon’s promises. 
She reflects the light of Apollo 
But does she send any? 
 No. I had shined upon my companion. 
Blessed her as a sun does a moon. 
A planet and its darling partner 
In the furtive hermitage of space. 
 But no planet can hold its moon 
 I am a phantom 
 She has made me a phantom 
Lingering through quiet nights 
Bereft of company. 

 By Lobolius


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